do you like cats?

what cores/aesthetics are you inspired by?
webcore, weirdcore, corecore, shizowave, dreamcore, bloodcore, yabujincore, wormcore, 2000s, viruscore, cybercore, kidcore, smilecore, gothcore, y2k, geocities, onlinecore, vampirecore, synthcore, vaporwave, teethcore, nostalgiacore, sparklecore, thriftcore and Pixiecore. if u want 2 know more about it
click here!

Who/what are you inspired by?
Y2kid, Jack Stauber, LOCAL58, Cyriak, mandela catalogue, geocities, windows xp, windows95, etc.

What do you use to edit?
canva, capcut, picsart & ibs paint

what do u use to make websites?
neocities, visual studio code and html5. its even in the domain

how do i do html/css?